684 S. Lincoln Dr., Troy, MO
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5 Warning Signs of Cooling System Trouble

5 Warning Signs of Cooling System Trouble

If your car overheats, then major damage could occur, such as a cracked engine block. This makes it critical that your cooling system is working strongly. Common cooling system components include thermostats, radiators, water pumps, hoses, and cooling fans. If you suspect an issue with your cooling system, you should promptly have the mechanic take a look. At CNC Automotive & Diesel Repair, our local mechanics are highly experienced with cooling system repair in the greater Troy, MO area. Here's a look at five symptoms of cooling system trouble.

External Coolant Leak

If your car is leaking coolant externally, then you may see brightly colored fluid on the ground beneath your vehicle. While coolant is commonly green, it also comes in other colors like orange, pink, and yellow.

White Exhaust Smoke

If there's a lot of white exhaust smoke coming from your tailpipe, then you have evidence of an internal coolant leak. This could mean that you have a blown head gasket.

Temperature Gauge Is High

If your temp gauge ascends into the red zone, then you should pull into a parking lot as soon as you safely can and then shut off your engine. Then you can call up the shop to explain what's going on, at which point you can get professional advice on whether your vehicle seems safe to drive any further, or if you should instead get towed to the shop so you don't risk causing severe engine problems.

Low Coolant

When coolant gets concerningly low, it could be due to a leak. The radiator pan gasket is one location from which coolant leaks often form.

Steam Coming from Beneath Hood

With a coolant leak, the consequent drop in fluid pressure can cause the coolant's boiling point to decrease. This could lead to steam rising up from underneath your hood.

Cooling System Repair in Troy, MO

When you need auto maintenance in Troy, MO, give CNC Automotive & Diesel Repair a call at 636-528-4808 to schedule an appointment. Our experienced mechanics can expertly complete any of your vehicle's repair or maintenance needs before you hit the road!


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